Template for a Scholarship Cover Letter

Writing Suggestion: You may be looking for a scholarship from a company that sponsors young people who are going on to college to further their education. The competition could be tough so it will important to make clear what you want and what you will give in exchange for funding that will help you complete the studies for your degree.

Job Search Jimmy

WARNING: Don't apply for another without adding your own customized interview-getting "secret sentence" to the top of your cover letter...

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"Secret Sentence" That Lands Like Crazy...

... 99.9% of all job seekers don't have a clue about this... not a clue! You're about to receive an unusual, eye-grabbing, fully "customized for you" secret sentence you can quickly add to the TOP of your cover letter... and it's free!

Question #1

Are you a man or a woman?

Job Search Jimmy

WARNING: Don't apply for another without adding your own customized interview-getting "secret sentence" to the top of your cover letter...

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"Secret Sentence" That Lands Like Crazy...

... 99.9% of all job seekers don't have a clue about this... not a clue! You're about to receive an unusual, eye-grabbing, fully "customized for you" secret sentence you can quickly add to the TOP of your cover letter... and it's free!

Question #1

Are you a man or a woman?

Anne Job Seeker
76 College Avenue
Any Town, USA 11111
Home: (777) 777-7777
Cell: (222) 222-2222
[email protected]

January 10, 20--

Ms. Rosemary Worker
Director of Scholarship Funds
Big Town Business Consultants
106 Corporate Avenue
Big Town, USA 99999

Dear Ms. Worker:

Recently it came to my attention that your company is making a limited number of college scholarships available to local students. Thank you so much for your generosity. With this cover letter I am writing to inquire about the process necessary to apply for such funding.

I am a high school junior and hope to attend Ronson University a year from next September but I need help with tuition and board. I plan to major in sales and marketing and would be pleased to work at your company as a half-time apprentice during the summer before my senior year and the summer before I enter college as a way to learn the 'ropes,' so to speak, of running a business, and also as a way to give back to your organization should you decide to select me for one of your scholarships.

If you wish to interview me I'd be happy to meet you in person at a time and day that works for you. I'm available at 777-777-7777 weekdays and weekends.

In the meantime, thank you very much for considering me for the scholarship program by reading this cover letter and my resume.

I hope to hear from you soon.


Anne Job Seeker

Content Reminder: As you write your cover letter to apply for a college scholarship, be sure to show humility and gratitude, as well as information about yourself and your future goals.

Job Search Jimmy

WARNING: Don't apply for another without adding your own customized interview-getting "secret sentence" to the top of your cover letter...

Free Career Quiz Creates Your
"Secret Sentence" That Lands Like Crazy...

... 99.9% of all job seekers don't have a clue about this... not a clue! You're about to receive an unusual, eye-grabbing, fully "customized for you" secret sentence you can quickly add to the TOP of your cover letter... and it's free!

Question #1

Are you a man or a woman?

Job Search Jimmy

WARNING: Don't apply for another without adding your own customized interview-getting "secret sentence" to the top of your cover letter...

Free Career Quiz Creates Your
"Secret Sentence" That Lands Like Crazy...

... 99.9% of all job seekers don't have a clue about this... not a clue! You're about to receive an unusual, eye-grabbing, fully "customized for you" secret sentence you can quickly add to the TOP of your cover letter... and it's free!

Question #1

Are you a man or a woman?

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